Blog #6: Starbucks, the leader of social media

When choosing a brand that is successful on social media, many come to mind. However, one in particular stands out above the rest – Starbucks. Now, I am not a HUGE fan, but I still go when I can afford it. The company is brilliant with its social media. Why? Because it focuses on the customers, the service and the experience. Image

In a PR Daily article, “6 ways Starbucks excels at social media marketing“, it is clear that the company focuses on its customers. Many companies spend time (and money) attempting to gain more customers, hoping that translates into more dollars. Starbucks knows better than this – It focuses on its current customer base. If your current customers are happy, their friends and extended networks will see that and also be happy with your service. Here are examples of how Starbucks maintains its relationship with customers via Twitter:



Two of the three are POSITIVE Tweets. This is brilliant! If you see a customer enjoying the experience, acknowledge it and that will have them stay longer. If you see a customer have a poor experience, apologize and offer a solution. Either way, you win. 

Branding Personality also acknowledges Starbucks’ success on social media. “Starbucks’ strategy is one where they would rather reach out and connect with each and every follower on a personal level; then spam their audience with advertising messages.” – This is true. Why would customers want to spend time on social media seeing ads or promos? The answer: they don’t. While ads and promos may bring likes and comments, that doesn’t translate into a positive customer experience. Building and maintaining a relationship is what creates a positive atmosphere and experience for customers. 

In conclusion, Starbucks is a leader on social media. The company stopped focusing on the money and the benefits it gets from purchases and chose to focus on more important matters – its customers. This creates brand loyalty and does bring in more money in the long-run. 

3 thoughts on “Blog #6: Starbucks, the leader of social media

  1. Aaron, great post and I agree with you that companies has to focus on the long-run and the personal conversations that they have with customers. However, there are such a big amount of companies and organizations that just try and push sales and I am wondering why they would do that. What do you think the reason behind their social media flaws are?

  2. I love that your post about the importance of content reflects what good content should look like in it’s own right. After reading your post, I can honestly say I walked away with useful information. I had know idea that Starbucks focused on meeting the needs of established customs with the belief that those customers would promote the brand themselves. Very neat concept!

  3. Awesome post man. I have never had Starbucks before but I’m sure to try it now. I like the Starbucks focuses on creating a positive experience with their customers. It seems as if the dialogue plays an integral part in securing current customers. One of the major benefits of this is that via world of mouth and the favorable relationship, people will recommend the brand. I enjoyed the tweet where they asked their follower if they enjoyed their drink.

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